World Singaporean pleads guilty in U.S. to acting as Chinese intelligence agent: Justice Department Desk Team August 22, 2020
Afghanistan ‘Several regional powers pursuing hedging strategies in Afghanistan’ Fadia Jiffry August 22, 2020
Afghanistan World Trump says he never confronted Putin about Russia bounty reports: Axios Desk Team August 22, 2020
Afghanistan World Facebook ignored hate speech by India’s BJP politicians: Report Desk Team August 22, 2020
Afghanistan ISIS storming Afghan jail resembles previous terror attacks by Pakistan trained Taliban Fadia Jiffry August 21, 2020
Pakistan Terrorism Pakistan PM continues to throttle voices of press criticizing government, military Fadia Jiffry August 21, 2020
Afghanistan Terrorism ISIS Khorasan branch new leader is Pak-based Haqqani Network terrorist: Afghan minister Zahid Arab August 21, 2020