World Russian air raids target NW Syria for first time in three months Our Correspondent June 24, 2020
World Two Syrian soldiers killed in Israeli aerial attacks: State media Our Correspondent June 24, 2020
World Fed’s Powell fears second coronavirus wave, reiterates crisis-fighting pledge Our Correspondent June 24, 2020
Afghanistan Sikh abducted in Afghanistan, Afghan American community seeks India’s help to free him Fadia Jiffry June 22, 2020
Arab Pakistan [Arab World] UAE-backed separatists stage coup in Yemen’s Socotra Nadia Abdel June 22, 2020
Afghanistan Afghanistan healthcare workers deliberately attacked: UN Report Fadia Jiffry June 22, 2020
Arab World Arab League condemns Israel’s plans to annex parts of West Bank Our Correspondent June 21, 2020
World Hopeful of extension of arms embargo on Iran by UN Security Council: US Our Correspondent June 21, 2020
Pakistan [News] Normalisation of Turkish military from June: Minister Akar Our Correspondent June 21, 2020
Pakistan [Europe] Ukraine discuss Russia’s responsibility for armed aggression with UN Our Correspondent June 21, 2020