Terrorism World Hong Kong tycoon Jimmy Lai denied bail in national security case Our Correspondent February 9, 2021
Afghanistan Pakistan Terrorism World US, Amnesty call for release of Ismail, father of activist Gulalai who fled Pakistan Zahid Arab February 6, 2021
Afghanistan Arab Terrorism World British troops begin missions in Mali amid Islamist insurgency Our Correspondent February 6, 2021
Arab Terrorism World Qatar stocks up 1.7% after Gulf rift breakthrough Our Correspondent February 4, 2021
Pakistan Terrorism 10 journalists killed, several arrested in Pakistan last year: CPNE Fadia Jiffry February 2, 2021
Afghanistan Pakistan Terrorism World European, South Asian countries need to adopt a multifaceted response to counter terrorism: Think tank Zahid Arab January 28, 2021
Arab Terrorism World Saudis pushing for Gulf dispute breakthrough at summit – sources Our Correspondent January 8, 2021
Pakistan Terrorism World US urges Pak to hold Let commander Lakhvi accountable for 26/11 Mumbai attacks Zahid Arab January 5, 2021
Pakistan Terrorism Pakistan Taliban, affiliates continued to regroup in erstwhile FATA in 2020: Report Fadia Jiffry January 5, 2021
Terrorism World Threats, detentions and frozen assets: Nigeria’s protesters depict pattern of intimidation Our Correspondent December 29, 2020