Pakistan The Afghan government has apprehended several Pakistani terrorists. Our Correspondent August 30, 2023
Pakistan Coronavirus causing Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) in Saudi Arabia Our Correspondent August 29, 2023
Pakistan After the Taliban took over Afghanistan, they assassinated over 200 government officials and members of the security services. Joe Elhage August 22, 2023
Afghanistan Pakistan In an assault near the Afghanistan border, six Pakistani troops were killed. Fadia Jiffry August 22, 2023
Pakistan Put an end to using God in order to rationalize violence and terrorism. Joe Elhage August 22, 2023
Pakistan United Kingdom and Iraq reach agreement to boost cooperation in fighting drug trafficking and terrorism. Nadia Abdel August 22, 2023
Afghanistan Pakistan Six Pakistani soldiers were killed in clashes with militants near the Afghan border. Zahid Arab August 22, 2023
Pakistan Un-islamic Burning Of Churches & Homes In Pakistan: Respecting Other Religions Is Mandatory In Islam Fadia Jiffry August 21, 2023