Afghanistan Pakistan Terrorism 152 Pakistani terrorists operating in Afghanistan killed in Afghan forces operations Zahid Arab November 16, 2020
Arab Pakistan Terrorism World Its time secular Muslims stood between Islam and terror Zahid Arab November 9, 2020
Arab Pakistan Terrorism World World needs to stand together against China’s oppression of ethnic minorities Zahid Arab October 31, 2020
Politics World India and Nepal need to quickly resolve differences, Army Chief General Naravane’s upcoming visit a positive step: Experts Zahid Arab October 31, 2020
Arab Pakistan Terrorism World Turkey and Pakistan’s boycott of French products backfire as Saudi Arabia steps in Zahid Arab October 30, 2020
Pakistan World Activists thank British MPs for raising extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances of Baloch Zahid Arab October 28, 2020
Pakistan World China’s arms smuggling racket along Bangladesh-Myanmar border unearthed Zahid Arab October 27, 2020
World Amid tension with India at LAC, China mobilized PLA troops at Bhutan border Zahid Arab October 27, 2020