Terrorism In Jammu, two BSF soldiers were hurt by Pakistan Rangers’ gunfire. Joe Elhage October 28, 2023
Politics Uncategorized Coretrax advances with a multi-year agreement in the Middle East Nadia Abdel October 28, 2023
Terrorism The Arab and Muslim Worlds Present a PR Crisis for the United States Sara Hatoum October 28, 2023
Terrorism As the Gaza conflict rages, there are protests, prayers, and skirmishes in Jerusalem and the West Bank. Joe Elhage October 27, 2023
Terrorism Biden is in favor of a two-state approach to Israeli-Palestinian peacemaking. Is it feasible at all? Sara Hatoum October 27, 2023
Terrorism Biden forbids Iran from attacking US forces in the Middle East Nadia Abdel October 27, 2023
Terrorism 900 US troops will be sent to the Middle East as assaults on US personnel in Syria and Iraq increase. Joe Elhage October 27, 2023