Pakistan China would preserve Pakistan from default even if there is no IMF agreement, according to PM Shehbaz Nadia Abdel May 27, 2023
World India’s frontiers are under “double threat” from Pakistan and China: Rajnath Fadia Jiffry May 25, 2023
Afghanistan In the last three days, more than 4,500 Afghan refugees have returned home from Iran. News Desk May 24, 2023
Afghanistan Afghan Minister: Afghan culture and values shouldn’t be compromised. Nadia Abdel May 24, 2023
Pakistan Afghanistan’s special representative is appointed by Pakistan as Asif Durrani. Desk Team May 24, 2023
Afghanistan The $8 billion that the US sent to Afghanistan and ended up in Taliban hands is being blocked by the White House’s inspector. Joe Elhage May 23, 2023
World Exiled Iranian Prince Apologizes for State Terrorism in Border Guards’ Death Our Correspondent May 23, 2023
World US-Kuwait workshop improves collaboration in the fight against terrorism Our Correspondent May 23, 2023