US-Kuwait workshop improves collaboration in the fight against terrorism

A workshop named “The Task Force Model of Investigation and Prosecution” was held by the Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development, Assistance and Training (OPDAT) of the US Department of Justice in collaboration with the Kuwait Public Prosecution. The Kuwait Institute for Judicial and Legal Studies hosted the session on Monday. The workshop’s objective is to improve prosecutors’ capacity to fight organized crime, including terrorism, funding of terrorism, and money laundering.
This workshop is a part of the yearly schedule that was decided upon in coordination with OPDAT, according to Adnan Al-Jasir, adviser and deputy director of the Kuwait Institute for Judicial and Legal Studies, who made this statement during the workshop. The need of enhancing worldwide, regional, and national collaboration to fight terrorism and its causes underlies the significance of this workshop. It is the duty of all societies and the different institutions within them to battle and address this issue.
While security institutions have obligations, intellectual, scientific, media, and educational organizations also have a vital duty to foster healthy human values and right notions, as well as to protect society from erroneous ideas. “Your interaction and contribution to the success of this workshop embodies the spirit of solidarity and partnership in preventing and confronting terrorism in all its forms and shapes, as everyone has a stake in confronting this phenomenon, which has become a threat to the manifestations of life, human existence, and the sanctity of property,” Jasir said.
Alamdar Hamdani, the US attorney for the southern district of Texas, was introduced by James Holtsnider, the deputy US chief of mission. With decades of expertise in all facets of the US legal system, Holtsnider said Hamdani is among the greatest in the country. He emphasized that the task force module, which was popularized in the US in the 1940s and has evolved over many decades and is particularly beneficial for information exchange, would be the main emphasis of this training.
“I am the twenty-fourth attorney for Texas’ southern district. I am the chief prosecutor for the southern district of Texas, which covers 44,000 square miles (15,000 square kilometers) and has a population of 9 million. The largest city is Houston, a multiethnic place with everything from healthcare to the oil sector, according to Hamdani. He claimed to have had the honor of working for the Department of Justice for 15 years, during which time he handled cases involving public corruption and national and security issues. In addition, Hamdani handled crimes involving drugs, human trafficking, and smuggling. He stated, “I am extremely thrilled to be here in Kuwait to teach you all I know and to learn from you.