Exiled Iranian Prince Apologizes for State Terrorism in Border Guards’ Death

The assassination of five border guards on Saturday in the southeasterly province of Sistan and Baluchestan has been attributed to state “terrorism” by an exiled royal of Iran.
“I express my sincere sympathy with and condolences to the families of these murdered soldiers and strongly condemn this act of terrorism,” Reza Pahlavi said in a tweet.
The border guards in Saravan, in the province of Sistan and Baluchestan’s southeast, observed a group of armed individuals close to the border. The subsequent Saturday night fight with the “terrorist group” resulted in the deaths of the five cops.
According to other reports, two more guards suffered grave injuries and are hospitalized.
The armed group’s allegiance is unknown, although various Baluch organizations from the region are engaged in an uprising against the Islamic Republic.
The most well-known of them is Jaish al-Adl, which often targets the Iranian military, particularly the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).
The situation in Sistan-Baluchistan has drastically deteriorated recently. Cities in the region have become very tense, particularly on Fridays when locals demonstrate against the government.