Latham snags emerging companies partner from Fenwick in New York

Signage is seen on the exterior of the building where law firm Latham & Watkins LLP is located in Manhattan, New York City, U.S., August 17, 2020. REUTERS/Andrew Kelly
Summary Law firms Eli Curi works on financing and M&A transactions for young companies
He is the third emerging companies partner to join Latham this year The company and law firm names shown above are generated automatically based on the text of the article. We are improving this feature as we continue to test and develop in beta. We welcome feedback, which you can provide using the feedback tab on the right of the page.
(Reuters) – Eli Curi, former principal at Silicon Valley-founded law firm Fenwick & West, has joined Latham & Watkins’ corporate department and emerging companies practice in New York, the firm said Tuesday.
Curi spent four years at Fenwick. He said that he was drawn to Latham, in part, because of its international capabilities.
“I have some clients that are doing deals in Korea, I have a big fintech in Brazil,” he said, emphasizing Latham’s wide variety of practices. “I’ll never lose a client that wants to do an M&A deal or an IPO.”
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Latham has 12 offices in the U.S., according to its website. It also has firm offices or operates through alliances in a number of locations internationally like France, Hong Kong, Italy, Singapore, the UK, Japan, Israel, South Korea and Saudi Arabia.
Curi represents emerging companies and their investors in venture financing and M&A transactions, Latham said. He has worked with companies like Audiomack Inc, Merck Ventures, Hearst Ventures and Lashify Inc, according to the firm.
Curi said he is bringing over the “vast majority” of his clients, including Oceanix USA Inc, a company that is building a floating city in Busan, South Korea.
A spokesperson for Fenwick did not immediately return requests for comment about Curi’s departure.
Latham has added two other emerging companies partners this year, both from Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe in Washington, D.C. Barrie VanBrackle joined the firm in February and Parag Patel joined in March.
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