Drug industry helping Taliban to maintain its rule in Afghanistan

Kabul, Afghanistan: The drug industry in Afghanistan is being supported by Taliban. In fact, it is giving all the strength and helping Taliban to keep western power at a bay.
Currently, diverging scenarios, in which the Taliban does or does not receive recognition from a broader range of the international community, indicate diversified outcomes to the ever-lasting problem of the illicit economy in the country, according to the European Foundation for South Asian Studies.
If the Taliban does not receive considerable recognition, the illicit drugs industry could continue to flourish and would likely provide an underlying network for the workings of the Taliban, according to the report.
Further, research suggests that the profit margins are largely inflated in drug trade.
Moreover, the pursuance of the illicit drug trade itself offers the Taliban the possibility of furthering objectives and ideals surpassing Afghanistan.
Also, the resulting effects to the dynamics beyond Afghanistan show that the drug industry is of a much larger benefit than merely being a stream of revenue for the Taliban.
Taliban engagement in the drugs business not only assists in Countering Terrorism Financing but also further allows springing motives and tactical considerations beyond the borders of Afghanistan, according to the report.
Over the past decades, the world has witnessed the influential nature of the once insurgent, then ousted, and currently back in power, United Nations designated terrorist group the Taliban. How apparent this influence is has been visible time and time again, according to the European Foundation for South Asian Studies.