Afghanistan: Southern farmers of Opium happy with their yield

Pakistan: The farmers of southern region of Afghanistan are happy with their opium produce. Farmers pf Kandahar and Helmand said considering the drought, the produce is very good.
Mohammad Wali, a farmer in Kandahar, said that although he is concerned about the drought this year the cultivation of the opium is favorable as there is no other work.
“There is no work, all the families are in debt and everyone’s hope is opium,” said Mohammad Wali, a farmer.
Meanwhile, officials of the Islamic Emirate said they are trying to find alternatives for the poppy farmers.
“The Islamic Emirate through using government facilities, and in coordination with various international organizations and in cooperation with the international community, is trying to find alternative jobs for those who are cultivating opium,” said Enamullah Samangani, deputy spokesman of the Islamic Emirate.
“The issue of narcotics is one of the world’s biggest problems, and our neighboring countries, especially Russia, will be greatly affected by Afghanistan’s narcotics and this will affect the relations of the Islamic Emirate with the world,” said Noorullah Hazrati, a university lecturer.
One of the major challenges that the previous government was facing was the massive cultivation of poppies and the production of opium in the country.
Based on reports of international organizations, 90% of the world’s narcotics is produced in Afghanistan. Although millions of dollars were spent on the eradication of opium it is still being cultivated in the country.