Kabul housing price slipped amid Taliban rule

Amid the Taliban insurgence, the house prices in Afghanistan have fallen sharply and the house rend is slipped by 50%
The dealers said business has decreased dramatically as these days people are not buying houses because they either do not have enough money or are trying to leave the country.
Some houses, according to dealers, remain empty as renters have left the country.
Mohammad Yousuf, a property dealer in Kabul, told TOLOnews he has been dealing real estate for the past 13 years and house rent prices have fallen by 50 percent.
“House rent prices have fallen approximately by 50 percent. If before this a house was rented for 20,000 Afs, now its rent is 10,000. The prices will fall further because people are migrating and are not interested in living in the country,” Yousuf said.
Shahrak-e Aria is a modern residential township in Kabul. Most of the residents of the township were employees of the former government and 50 percent of the residents have migrated out of the country or have left the township due to economic problems.
“Around 50 percent of the residents have left. Now almost half of the apartments are empty,” said Mohammad Mansoori, an official of the township.
Some other residents, however, welcomed the decrease in rent prices. Khalilurahman, a resident of the township, said: “It is good news that the rent price has decreased. But the problem is that almost all residents of the township were employees of the former government and they have not been paid their salaries.”
Some other residents of Kabul meanwhile voiced their concerns over the worsening economic situation and called on the Taliban government to address the problem.
“Will the necessary services, and promises made to the people, be implemented? We hope that employment opportunities are provided for the people, and we get out of poverty,” said Khawja Mohammad Shafi, a Kabul resident.
Concerns over the poor economic situation raised by the people come as the United Nations and humanitarian organizations also are repeatedly warning over the worsening economic situation in Afghanistan.