Niqab and Abaya mandatory for women studying in universities

KABUL: Taliban as allowed women to study. Women who study in private universities need to wear an abaya and niqab covering most of the face. The classes must also be divided by sex or must have curtain between the male and female students.
In a lengthy document issued by the Taliban’s education authority, they also ordered that female students should only be taught by women, but if that was not possible then “old men” of good character could fill in.
The decree applies to private colleges and universities, which have mushroomed since the Taliban’s first rule ended in 2001.
There was no order for women to wear the all-enveloping burqa in the new regulations issued late Saturday, but the niqab effectively covers most of the face anyway, leaving just the eyes exposed.
In recent years burqas and niqabs have largely vanished from the streets of Kabul, but are seen more frequently in smaller cities and towns. The decree comes as private universities prepare to open on Monday.
“Universities are required to recruit female teachers for female students based on their facilities,” the decree said, adding that men and women should use separate entrances and exits. If it is not possible to hire women teachers, then colleges “should try to hire old men teachers who have a good record of behaviour”. While women now have to study separately, they must also end their lesson five minutes earlier than men to stop them from mingling outside. They must then stay in waiting rooms until their male counterparts have left the building, according to the decree issued by the Taliban higher education ministry. “Practically, it is a difficult plan — we don´t have enough female instructors or classes to segregate the girls,” said a university professor, who asked not to be named. “But the fact that they are allowing girls to go to schools and universities is a big positive step,”