Human rights violations in Pakistan are representing it as a terror sponsor state

Washington, US: What successive Pakistani administrations are doing by engaging themselves gross violations of human rights, suppressed dissent and curtailed religious freedom. It qualifies Pakistan to be designated as a terror sponsor State.
Earlier, Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi speaking to CNN’s Bianna Golodryga on the Israel-Palestine conflict, invoked an age-old anti-Semitic trope that the media was controlled by a certain group of people owing to their “deep pockets.” Golodryga was quick to hold the minister to account by pushing back and pressing him to clarify his claim.
The government in Pakistan, led by Prime Minister Imran Khan, has made several anti-Semitic remarks in the past. Ranging from a member of Parliament in his government calling for “jihad” against Israel to the prime minister himself stooping to the level of drawing parallels between “Islamaphobia” and the Holocaust, Pakistani politicians have a history of engaging in anti-Semitic bigotry, reported The Hill.
Akhil Ramesh, writing in The Hill said that Pakistan have been America’s partners in the war against terror in Afghanistan, but is viewed by many in Washington as a “frenemy” rather than a true friend, with many defense experts blaming America’s failures in Afghanistan to Pakistan’s double game of supporting the Taliban and the Haqqani Network while providing America logistical support.
Over the past 20 years, the United States has had to look the other way and tolerate Pakistan’s behaviour. However, with the troop withdrawal from Afghanistan in sight, that may not be the case any longer. The Biden administration can finally take strict measures to curtail Pakistan’s financing of terror activities in Afghanistan, wrote Ramesh.
The Biden administration has set September 11 as the deadline to withdraw American troops from Afghanistan after a two-decade long war.
There are many reasons cited for America’s failure in Afghanistan, from its inability to nation-build while simultaneously fighting an indigenous militia such as the Taliban, to the regional geopolitics playing spoilsport to its advancements.
Pakistan’s support of the Taliban and the Haqqani Network would fall into that latter category. In order to prevent a government in Afghanistan from cozying up to arch nemesis India, Pakistan adopted the military doctrine of “strategic depth,” wherein it used Afghanistan as an instrument of security in its tensions with India by supporting forces fighting the Afghan government, The Hill reported.
This form of proxy war by Pakistan prevented any progress in the US led effort in Afghanistan. Earlier, Bush administration used cutting aid as a tool to discipline Pakistan and successive US administrations that followed have cut military aid to the country in an attempt to change the behaviour of its security and political establishment, wrote Ramesh.
But neither has the Financial Action Task Force’s (FATF) greylisting Pakistan persuaded the political and security apparatus from using Afghanistan as a pawn in its clash with India nor cutting military aid policy has led to correct its activities.
With the United States out of the picture, Pakistan would have free reign in Afghanistan to use its terror networks in the country to destabilize the democratically led Afghan government and use the region as a launching pad for its adventures into the disputed region of Kashmir.
This will in turn force India to focus its efforts and divert resources to its Western borders instead of the Indo-Pacific region, costing the United States a key partner in its efforts to contain China in the Indo-Pacific, reported The Hill.
Furthermore, the “all weather friendship” between Pakistan and China has made Pakistan one of the largest recipients of Chinese aid through its flagship Belt and Road Initiative. And Pakistan has been a vocal proponent for connecting Iran and Afghanistan to the China-Pakistan economic corridor, also known as CPEC.
If that connection solidifies, the entire region will fall into the Taliban and China’s orbit and all the blood, sweat and tears shed by Americans over the past two decades would be in vain, wrote Ramesh.
Former US Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, who led forces into Afghanistan in the aftermath of 9/11, said Pakistan, “… was a country born with no affection for itself, and there was an active self-destructive streak in its political culture. Of all the countries I’ve dealt with, I consider Pakistan to be the most dangerous, because of the radicalization of its society and the availability of nuclear weapons.”