Animal rights activists slam Pakistan over use of sedated lion cub in bridal photoshoot

After a video clip of the use of a sedated lion cub in a bridal photoshoot in Pakistan went viral on social media, civil society and animal rights activists across the world slammed Islamabad for its dismal record of animal conservation and ‘trophy hunting’ of endangered animals.
The video clip was posted on the Instagram story of Studio Afzl — a Lahore-based photography studio that does bridal photoshoots and covers weddings, birthdays and parties.
The couple, it appears from the video clip, used the allegedly ‘sedated’ lion cub as a prop for their wedding photoshoot. In the clip, the couple can be seen holding each other’s hands while the cub is sitting calmly.
In another video, the animal is seen sitting on the floor barely looking entertained or pleased with the attention of the cameraman.
The issue was first highlighted by JFK Animal Rescue and Shelter on Instagram.
Save The Wild, an international animals rights’ group has called on the Punjab government for strict action against violations of the wildlife laws.
“Which clause of the wildlife laws allows for a lion cub to be rented out for ceremonies?” it asked.
Faisal Amin Khan, a netizen, expressed his anger and anguish over such treatment to a cub. “What’s wrong with people, a sedated Lion Cub as “prop” the couple starting a new life & the studio who did that should be ashamed,” he said.
It’s about time @Govt of Punjab PK must rethink their “captive breeding” policy, from political rallies to wedding shoots, animals as props, it’s sick, Faisal further said.