Afghans protests against cross-border rocket attacks by Pakistan

On July 27, people in Afghanistan’s Khost and Paktika took to the streets against cross-border rocket attacks by Pakistan security forces and attempts to intrude into Afghan territory by illegally setting up military posts.
Both cities of Khost and Paktika are located in the southeastern part of the country and adjacent to the 2,400 km debated Durand Line border with Pakistan.
According to sources, the incessant firing by the Pakistani army on Afghan soil has resulted in civilian casualties in recent days and caused damages to their house and property. On July 16, the Afghan Foreign Ministry in a statement said the rockets were fired on eastern Kunar province, along a disputed border that Pakistan is fencing since mid-2017.
“Kabul called on Islamabad to refrain from “unacceptable” artillery attacks and arbitrary installations as it can cause further escalations between the two countries”, said the sources.
A lawmaker from Kunar, Wazhma Safi, said if Pakistan continued to fire over the border, the issue would be discussed at the diplomatic level. She said she believes Taliban rebels, backed by Pakistan, were behind the attack on Afghan soil.
Afghanistan and Pakistan are in dispute over whether the border is officially recognized. In addition, Kabul accuses Islamabad of supporting the Taliban forces fighting against the US-backed Afghan government, a claim Pakistan denies.
In 2017, Pakistan said it had started building a fence along the border as part of efforts aimed at curbing fighting. But the move sparked condemnation in Kabul.