Pashtuns hold protests worldwide against Taliban, Pakistan Army

Fed up of incessant violence on both sides of the debated Durand Line, Pashtuns in Afghanistan gave a call for a two-day protest against the Taliban and Pakistan Army asking them to evacuate from both sides of the Durand Line.
Parts of Europe also witnesses protests by Pashtuns against the Punjabi Taliban (part of Pakistan Establishment).
Fairly large numbers of local Pashtuns mobilized by the Pashtun Tahaffuz Movement (PTM) participated in demonstrations in Khost and Chamkain, Paktia on July 27.
Larger gatherings were seen in Gardez (Paktia) and Urgon (Paktika). Participants criticized Pakistan for violating peace along the Af-Pak border with the criminal intent of regular cross border firing and for damaging the sanctity of Durand Line by allowing free movements of Pakistan Taliban cadres to carry out attacks on innocent Afghans.
As per sources, massive protests were also held at Khosa and Paktika on July 27 against cross-border rocket attacks by Pakistani security forces and attempts to intrude into Afghanistan territory illegally by setting up military posts.
Simultaneously, overseas units of PTM also gave a call for a series of protests in Europe against the orchestrated genocide committed by Pakistan against Pashtuns.
PTM cadres in Germany, Belgium and Sweden carried out demonstrations in cities and in front of the EU (Brussels) against the illegal detentions and harassment of PTM activists in Pakistan including detention of Hanif Pashteen in unlawful cases. PTM Europe units also launched a twitter trend to highlight the movement under #PTMEuropeProtest.