Rescue talks with the IMF ‘hit the rocks’ as Lebanese suffer

BEIRUT (Reuters) – As accelerating poverty fuels anger, despair and fear of a social explosion, efforts by Lebanon’s ruling elite to salvage the country from a financial meltdown with IMF help seem to be going in reverse.
FILE PHOTO: A man counts U.S. dollar banknotes next to Lebanese pounds at a currency exchange shop in Beirut, Lebanon April 24, 2020. REUTERS/Mohamed Azakir
A country known across the Middle East for its glamorous lifestyle and commercial savoir faire now projects images of people begging on the streets, scavenging in the garbage for something to eat or trading furniture for food.
Several current and former Lebanese officials, diplomats, international officials, economists and analysts agreed that talks with the IMF to rescue Lebanon from an economic crisis are going nowhere. Meanwhile, time is running out.
“This (IMF talks) is hitting the rocks” says Nasser Saidi, a former economy minister and central banker.
Most of the sources who spoke on condition of anonymity say the political class grouped around sectarian, dynastic rulers, far from agreeing a joint approach, is still arguing for their own interests – and even whether Lebanon is really bankrupt.
Two members of Lebanon’s negotiating team have quit in a month, both over what they described as attempts to massage huge financial losses set out in the government plan.
“They are not negotiating a (IMF) programme”, says one senior source privy to the talks. “There’s no (Lebanese) consensus on the diagnosis so what can they possibly negotiate?”
Lebanon, with a population of 6 million, is fast running out of dollars. The state, its revenues collapsing, is printing local currency to pay public employees – an estimated 800,000-strong state payroll padded by politicians.
“There is a real risk of explosion,” says one top Western diplomat, adding that a third of a million people had lost their jobs since October, when mass protests against the entrenched political class forced the government to resign.
As a lockdown imposed to fight COVID-19 unwinds, outrage that fuelled last autumn’s protests is resurging, angrier now and with fire-bomb attacks on banks – the biggest target of popular ire after the political elites with which they are closely entwined.
A new government finally took its place early this year. Although it was billed as technocratic, its members are all nominees of the sectarian power-brokers.
Alongside technocrats are party placemen, and critics say Prime Minister Hassan Diab is beholden to his patrons, foremost among them the powerful Iran-backed Shi’ite group Hezbollah, its Christian allies headed by President Michel Aoun, and the Shi’ite Amal party of Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri.
Diab has repeatedly denied his government favours political interests. His office did not respond to questions from Reuters.
Ultimately, the country is bankrupt, and is not going to be able to service all of its vast debt, much of which is held by its central bank and local lenders. But no one has come up with an agreed strategy to share out the losses among bank depositors, shareholders, foreign bondholders and the state.
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The first challenge is accepting the size of the losses. The IMF has endorsed government figures that suggest a shortfall of more than $90 billion. But the banks, the central bank and members of parliament representing powerful political factions say it is only around half as big. Critics call that an accounting trick, based on a dubious exchange rate.
Diab, the prime minister, said in a statement on Tuesday that the government was committed to the figures in its plan. But political factions have lined up behind an effort to demand it lower its estimate of losses, in line with figures put forward by the central bank and banks.
Several sources said the IMF had tried to persuade the central bank to accept the higher numbers, but bank governor Riad Salameh was digging in his heels. Salameh declined to comment and said he wasn’t aware of such criticism.
A parliamentary fact-finding committee said on Wednesday it had calculated overall losses in the system at 60 trillion-122 trillion Lebanese pounds, a range between a quarter and half the amount recognised by the government and accepted by the IMF.
“It’s a big difference,” said its chair, Ibrahim Kanaan of President Michel Aoun’s Free Patriotic Movement, flanked by MPs from all of the other main political parties. “These are the options which I hope the government will study … so we can go into the next phase, the negotiation phase, with one delegation and one vision.”
The IMF declined to comment on its discussions with Lebanese delegations, but referred Reuters to earlier remarks, including that the government’s original figures are “broadly in the right order of magnitude”.
“It is incredible that a bunch of parliamentarians in a failed state are trying to question the expertise of the IMF,” Saidi, the ex-minister, said. “There is no way the IMF is going to accept it.”
Nor will accepting the numbers be enough. Lebanon must also tackle the cause of the problem: unsustainable government spending handed out by politicians to reward their supporters.
The inflated public payroll and its costly pensions will have to be cut. First on almost everyone’s list is Electricite du Liban (EdL), the state power utility, which loses about $2bn a year.
To even start an IMF negotiation, the government will need to make “anchor” reforms that it has so far ignored. Customs, now under party fiefdom, must be placed under regulatory authority; a single treasury account must be set up for expenditures and revenues at the finance ministry; exchange rates must be unified.
Since October, depositors have been largely denied access to their dollar accounts. About three quarters of all deposits are in dollars and the central bank and successive governments have used the banking system to finance the state, in what critics say is a national equivalent to a Ponzi scheme.
The pound has lost 80% of its value since mass protests against the sectarian ruling oligarchy erupted last October. The social consequences have been terrible.
Lebanon’s middle class is sinking. The World Bank estimated in 2019 that some 48% of Lebanese lived below the poverty line.
Food prices have doubled and unemployment has forced many onto charity and food banks. And if the state runs out of the dollars it has been spending to subsidise bread, medicine and fuel – as it must sooner or later without foreign aid – Lebanon could face mass hunger.
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For decades, foreign donors led by France, the United States and Britain with periodic injections from Gulf Arab states, have kept Lebanon afloat. But they are no longer willing to bail it out without reform. If the IMF walks away, Beirut should not expect a rescue from countries that have helped in the past.
“If this road (IMF) is closed all other roads will be shut”, says the Western diplomat. “They need to have real, verifiable reforms as required by the IMF, even if they are not perfect.”
“No European or Gulf Arab country, much less America is coming to save Lebanon; Lebanese leaders should muster the will to rescue their country.”