Gaetz warns would-be Iranian terrorists

House Judiciary Committee Member Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., joined “Hannity” Wednesday night to react to threatened provocation by Iran, warning the theocratic regime that President Trump is not afraid to take out officials who engage in terrorist acts.
“The United States doesn’t seek a war with Iran,” Gaetz said. “Such a war would certainly be lost by Iran, but the winner would undoubtedly be China.”
Gaetz explained that the so-called “Trump Doctrine” of foreign policy does not allow for endless foreign wars, but puts a premium on protecting the homeland, whether through domestic enforcement or small-scale military action against terrorist threats.
Earlier Wednesday, Trump tweeted: “I have instructed the United States Navy to shoot down and destroy any and all Iranian gunboats if they harass our ships at sea.”
The message is very clear to any Iranian official that would engage in terrorism,” Gaetz said. “Either get your act together or get prepared to meet General Soleimani.”
Qassem Soleimani, a top Iranian official and leader of its militaristic Quds Force, was killed in a U.S. airstrike in Iraq this past January after an American installation was besieged by militants linked to the general.
“I don’t think that American blood should be used to avenge foreign oil or foreign vessels but where Americans are in danger, the president has been very clear that he will respond,” Gaetz said. “I appreciate the fact that the Trump Doctrine is one that does not seek to engage us in yet another forever war, but we take action swiftly and we reset deterrents.